Did you know Nike now makes basketballs to go with your favorite Nike basketball shoes?
But how do Nike basketballs perform? Is their basketball worth trying out? Our Nike Versa Tack review will explain why you’ll want to add a Nike ball to your game because of its indoor/outdoor versatility.
Nike’s Basketball History
Nike has been putting their famous Swoosh design on sports shoes since 1971, and basketball players like Michael Jordan have endorsed the brand since 1984. Over 70% of NBA players wear Nike shoes, and Nike will be sponsoring NBA uniforms at least through 2023.
If Nike is going to get revenue from basketball shoes and uniforms, they might as well branch out into making basketballs, too, right?
Nike Versa Tack Basketball Features
Nike’s basketballs are well-constructed and feature serious style. If you’re looking for a basketball that can effortlessly crossover between the worlds of indoor and outdoor basketball, look no further than the Nike Versa Tack basketball.
The “Versa” part of the name refers to its indoor/outdoor versatility, while the “Tack” part of the name refers to the tacky surface that helps you keep a grip on the ball.
Standard Size
The Size 7 Nike Versa Tack is a standard 29.5” basketball, which is the perfect size for male players above age 12.
Aesthetically-Pleasing Design
We like the design elements of the Nike Versa Tack. That famous Swoosh looks classy outlined in silver. The ball is also more of a brown than orange color, which makes the ball look both retro and modern at the same time.
First-Rate Synthetic Materials
The Nike Versa Tack basketball is made from 14% synthetic leather, 16% nylon, and 70% rubber.
Nike uses synthetic leather on the outside and a soft-touch rubber in the core for an improved feel.
Synthetic leather basketballs are cheaper than leather basketballs, and they don’t wear out as quickly. So, you’ll enjoy your Nike Versa track for years to come.
Butyl rubber is a synthetic rubber many sporting balls use for their bladders because it is sturdy and airtight. It also helps to absorb shock and vibrations from catching the ball. It also helps give you the perfect bounce.
Easy-to-Grip Surface
The Nike Versa Tack basketball surface has a traditional pebble texture and is both tacky and soft. You will find it easy to handle and maintain a grip of the ball. And the pliable surface is going lend itself to some expert dribbling.
It also has wide channels, which enhance the feel and grip of the ball.
Rated for Indoor and Outdoor Play
You’re going to enjoy the versatility of your Nike Versa Tack basketball. It’s going to stay in good shape no matter if you use it on indoor or outdoor courts or both.
While companies make professional basketballs from genuine leather, synthetic leather has its advantages. Synthetic leather is the best surface for outdoor court play. They also hold up well to indoor and outdoor play and don’t dry out as much as their leather counterparts.
There’s nothing more disappointing than a basketball that doesn’t have as much bounce on outdoor surfaces. So, you’re going to appreciate the bounce a butyl rubber core gives you on both indoor and outdoor courts.
Nike Versa Tack Basketball Pros and Cons
NIke Versa Tack basketballs have more pros than cons.
- Tacky grip: The ball has a tacky, well-pebbled surface that is easy to grip.
- Indoor/Outdoor Use: The synthetic surface makes this basketball appropriate to use both indoors and outdoors.
- Durable: Synthetic basketball surfaces last longer in both indoor and outdoor settings.
- Bouncy: The butyl rubber core provides a perfect bounce both indoors and outdoors.
- Needs Reinflating Often: Several reviewers say that the Nike Versa needs to be reinflated weekly, so keep a pump handy.
Our Overall Feeling About the Nike Versa Tack Basketball
Nike made an interesting choice going with a synthetic surface rather than a leather surface for their basketball. However, we think you’re going to like it for its versatility. Because it has a synthetic surface, you can use it both indoors and outdoors without having to provide a whole lot of extra care to the exterior.
Basketball players wear their Nike shoes for both indoor and outdoor play, so it’s only fitting that their basketballs can follow their shoes to both types of court.
The only negative part we found in our Nike Versa Tack review is that some reviewers say that the ball leaks air, so you’ll want to make sure you have a good basketball pump to keep it from going flat.
Nike basketballs perform well and are worth trying out. They’re made for all the different ways you play basketball. Overall, we feel strongly that you’re going to enjoy using your Nike Versa Tack basketball on both indoor and outdoor courts for a long time to come.