When your well-used basketball is not bouncing as well as it should, or cold weather lowers its pressure, you will either need to use a different ball or pump it if you want solid performance.
This guide will explain how inflating a basketball affects your game and how to pump it full of air with or without the proper equipment.
Why Appropriate Inflation Is Important
Having your basketball inflated to the recommended pressure is an integral part of playing the game.
If the ball is deflated or has too much air, it will travel in unexpected ways as you try to pass, dribble, and shoot. Consistent performance from your ball will improve your basketball experience and help you practice in stable conditions.
Underinflated basketballs feel heavier and bounce slowly, making them difficult to dribble.
Bounce passes will not go as far as you expect them to go, the ball will not bank off the backboard as well, and you will have to put in much more effort to dribble it.
However, underinflated balls are also more forgiving if you hit the rim while shooting.

When you overinflate a basketball, it bounces too much, making it harder to control while dribbling and shooting. The ball is also less likely to go in the hoop after hitting the rim and will travel farther after rebounding.
Overinflating the ball carries the additional risk of creating an air leak in your rubber valve.
The Easiest Method to Pump a Basketball
Having all of the necessary equipment at hand makes pumping your basketball a quick and easy process.
It also makes it easier to reach your preferred air pressure and avoid damaging the ball.
The Tools You Need
The two most useful accessories when inflating a basketball are an inflation needle and an air pump.
Needles are fairly inexpensive and are available at most sports equipment stores or online.
When choosing an air pump, make sure you buy a model that can attach to your inflation needle.
Hand pumps designed for basketballs often include needles and let you screw them directly onto the pump. Bicycle pumps and electric pumps usually have a connector with a latch compatible with most inflation needles.
You can buy a separate air pressure gauge if your air pump does not include one to ensure that you reach the ideal air pressure every time.
However, this is an optional step, and you could inflate your basketball to acceptable levels without measuring its air pressure.
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Inflating Your Ball
First, attach the fat end of the inflation needle to your pump.
Moisten the other end of the needle with water or spit as lubrication to avoid damaging your valve, and slowly insert the needle into your basketball’s valve until it is completely inside the ball.
Begin inflating the ball by manually pumping in the air or activating your electronic pump.
If you use a compressor or electric pump, closely monitor the process to avoid overfilling and damaging your basketball. Keep one hand on the ball to feel its air pressure rise and continue pumping until the ball is firm without feeling hard.
Making Sure the Ball Is Properly Inflated
If your air pump has a pressure gauge or you have a separate one, you generally want to make sure your basketball’s air pressure is between seven and nine pounds per square inch.
If you do not have this piece of equipment or you want to check your ball’s inflation quickly, simply hold the basketball in front of your face and drop it.
If your basketball is properly inflated, it should reach your waist level when it bounces back up.
Your level of comfort while playing is the most critical indicator when deciding if your basketball is over or under-inflated.
Test the ball by dribbling it and make any adjustments to its air pressure as necessary.
The ideal level of inflation depends on personal preference. You should also note that different courts affect how your ball will bounce.
How to Pump a Basketball Without a Pump
When you are out on the court with a deflated basketball and limited tools, you will have to improvise.
Fortunately, several methods allow you to pump up a deflated ball even without an air pump.
Use Compressed Air
Using a can of compressed air is one of the easiest ways to pump up a basketball without a pump or needle.
You should be able to easily insert the thin tube into your basketball valve while leaving the other end attached to the can. Blow air into the ball using short bursts.
The expanding gas will rapidly cool down the can to freezing temperatures, so you should avoid pumping continuously.
This method is useful if your basketball is only slightly underinflated.
Fully inflating a ball requires several cans of compressed air, so relying on this technique too often will end up being much more expensive than buying a hand pump.
Inflate Your Ball With a Balloon
Inflating a basketball with a balloon requires a lot of effort and assumes that you have access to a balloon but not a pump – but it works.
First, insert your inflation needle into the basketball’s air valve using the methods described previously.
Blow up the balloon with as much air as you can before pinching the end with your fingers or a paper clip to prevent air from leaving.
Wrap your balloon’s rubber opening around the fat end of the needle securely so that air will not escape and allow the air from the balloon to blow into the basketball.
You may have to repeat this several times depending on the balloon’s size and your basketball’s inflation level, especially since some of the air will escape.
Ask for Help
When you need to inflate your basketball but lack the materials to improvise a solution, try finding a nearby bike shop or mechanic.
The employees should be able to help you if they are not too busy, plus this allows you to buy a hand pump and avoid this situation in the future. Other players at a public court might also be willing to let you borrow a pump.
If you have an inflation needle but not a pump, you could even use the air compressor at a gas station to pump your ball.
Be sure to ask the attendant if you need to pay for air and pump carefully to avoid overinflating the basketball.
How to Pump a Basketball Without a Needle
Even without an inflation needle, it is possible to pump a basketball as long as you can find potential substitutes.
When you lack both a pump and an inflation needle, you can combine these techniques with the ones from the previous section.
Take the Stem from a Bike Wheel
If you have access to a pump but not an inflation tube, you can use the valve stem from a tubeless bicycle wheel as a replacement.
Remove the stem from your bike by unscrewing its fastener, then pull off any rubber coating covering it.
Insert the needle end into the valve of your basketball and attach the other end to your pump, then proceed to inflate the ball as you normally would.
The stem will be very similar to a basketball inflation needle, so this should be your first alternative method of pumping a basketball if you own a tubeless bicycle and pump.
Use a Pen Ink Tube or a Narrow Straw
The tube from a ballpoint pen is just the right size to act as an emergency inflation needle.
Disassemble your pen and remove the tip from its ink tube. You will need at least an inch of the tube that is free from any ink, which you can achieve either by washing away any leftover ink or cutting off the dirty portion.
Then, lubricate it with water or another liquid and carefully insert your ink tube into the air valve.
If you have difficulty fitting it in, try cutting the end of the tube at an angle so that it is sharp. Thin straws also work as replacements for inflation needles, but it will be difficult to find one small enough to fit into a basketball air valve.
All balls lose air over time, so becoming familiar with ways to pump them up is an important part of playing basketball.
Using other materials works as a temporary measure, but to increase your basketball’s lifespan and make the process immensely easier, you should invest in a needle and pump.